Utilising new, cloud-based technologies can simplify and reduce your administration tasks. Having the flexibility to work from anywhere, while taking advantage of cloud-based technology can reduce the amount of time your firm spends on administration.
Save not only your time, but also your clients time by implementing remote signing. SignIT is InfoTrack’s remote signing solution that saves you and your clients and money by allowing you to execute documents faster and avoid the hassle of printing, scanning, and posting. Upload any document and send it to all necessary parties via a secure link. All relevant parties can then review and sign the document online from any location. This turns what could be a process that normally takes numerous days, into a task that can be completed in a matter of hours, greatly reducing the amount of time your firm spends on administrative tasks.
Nuance’s report shows that the priorities of the legal sector for 2022 are very much centred on productivity and client service. As a trusted technology provider, InfoTrack can support your firm to overcome barriers that are preventing you from achieving your business goals and priorities.
If you would like to take advantage of the solutions on offer with a leading legal technology innovator, get started with InfoTrack today.