Simply fill in your details and we will be in touch soon to arrange a personalised demonstration.
Are you looking for a more consistent, secure and compliant way to verify identity? If you’re still photocopying your client’s documents or sending them to the post office, there’s a smarter and faster way to verify identity.
InfoTrackID is an easy-to-use online identity verification platform that allows you to complete your Verification of Identity (VOI) to the same standard every time whether in person or remotely. It is our way to help you feel confident that you can undertake your verification of identity checks in accordance with your industry standards.
Simply fill in your details and we will be in touch soon to arrange a personalised demonstration.
Simply fill in your details and we will be in touch soon to arrange a personalised demonstration.
Liveness checks
Liveness checks ensure the user’s physical presence and effectively counters impersonation attempts.