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Real Estate Agents

Get your property on the market sooner. Complete, sign, share and exchange Contracts of Sale all in one cyber-safe workspace with Securexchange

Real Estate Agents

Get your property on the market sooner. Complete, sign, share and exchange Contracts of Sale all in one cyber-safe workspace with Securexchange.

Protect your commission from cyber fraud and theft.

The real estate industry has become a huge target for hackers who are intercepting communications and impersonating agents to redirect deposit funds into their own accounts. Don’t let fraud ruin your professional reputation, tarnish your brand and cost your client valuable funds.

Protect your commission from cyber fraud and theft.

The real estate industry has become a huge target for hackers who are intercepting communications and impersonating agents to redirect deposit funds into their own accounts. Don’t let fraud ruin your professional reputation, tarnish your brand and cost your client valuable funds.

Why use Securexchange?

Premium protection

Every person in Securexchange has been verified and is legitimate. Multi-factor authentication by SMS confirms that it is you entering the space.

Get your property on the market sooner

Property matters can vary greatly depending on the state you operate in and whether your matter is a sale or purchase. InfoTrack’s smart technology allows you to adapt your property workflows to suit your needs.


Negotiate your property deal in a secure, collaborative workspace with conveyancers, solicitors or other real estate agents. Invite or be invited in.

Track your progress

See where your property deal is at without having to ask all involved parties. Get instant notification when parties join a transaction or perform any actions.

Why use Securexchange?

Premium protection

Every person in Securexchange has been verified and is legitimate. Multi-factor authentication by SMS confirms that it is you entering the space.

Get your property on the market sooner

Property matters can vary greatly depending on the state you operate in and whether your matter is a sale or purchase. InfoTrack’s smart technology allows you to adapt your property workflows to suit your needs.


Negotiate your property deal in a secure, collaborative workspace with conveyancers, solicitors or other real estate agents. Invite or be invited in.

Track your progress

See where your property deal is at without having to ask all involved parties. Get instant notification when parties join a transaction or perform any actions.

Integration Partners

Protect your commission from cyber fraud and theft.