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Josef is a no-code software platform that empowers lawyers and legal professionals to automate legal tasks.

With the click of a button, the integration with InfoTrack enables you to automate client interviews, collating data and documents, Section 32 drafting, and automatically populates data back into your practice management system.  
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Four benefits of integrating Josef with InfoTrack:

1. Transform the client experience with Josef’s beautiful user-friendly interface. No more clunky emails or manual forms.
2. Integrated with your practice management software so you don’t have to manually enter client data or save files.
3. Automatically generate complete conveyancing documents – no more repetitive drafting. Streamline processes and centralise data-collection so that you don’t have to ask for additional documents or sift through emails.
4. Client data is collected the same way every time so you benefit from a consistent and scalable process.

See how the integration works